Spirit Fed Entrepreneur Book
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“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” 2 Timothy 1:7
How would you advise and empower one to experience a Fearless Mindset & live a Spirit Fed Life? This is the story we’re telling and infecting the world with. This compilation includes 16 incredible stories of triumph by “listening” to the Spirit and taking action! A Christian with Confidence, who lives Fearless and with Purpose is the most powerful human on Earth. In our book we show you how to Unleash your Inner Xena to living a Fearless Spirit Fed life.
It’s time to eliminate Fear in our lives. We were made in the image of God and we are meant to live a Spirit Fed Life. Join me now and live an even greater life with confidence!
The cost is only $19.99 + shipping. Pre-order now and receive an autographed copy along with the free audio.